Everything is everything! Been working on getting finances organized as usual and paying off bills. Many things have been going on, but for the most part, I have been doing homework and staying focused on main goals.
Started tutoring a kindergartner for $15 an hour once a week. I also started working the after school and Saturday program getting my hourly rate. Overall, this will be 5 extra hours a week of my hourly pay! That is great! Even though I have the lien still, my taxes were not taken so I have that money too. I went ahead and paid some of my bills early. I paid $90 on the water bill, I will not have to pay that until June. My goal is to get ahead.
Still have to pay for school. All of that is figured out. Overall, I have my best foot forward and I am looking forward to doing the right thing with the money that I have been given.
Large Debt
US Dept of Edu $13,734 + ( send $25 a month until other bill paid)
Tax Lien $8,000 + (rewrite letter to credit bureaus if doesn't work will get a lawyer)
Wachovia $2,953.34 (paying $168 a month)
Walden University $4310 (pay $3260 end of March)
There are other debts too, but these are the ones that I am focusing on.
Cut Backs
I did get rid of HBO and Cinemax as I stated, that will save about $300 a year. Via Facebook, there was this application that started charging me $10.00 a month to receive messages on my cell phone, got rid of that.
I also went to Sam's to do my grocery shopping for the month. That made me feel grown. I have food for the next few weeks still. The only things that I need to buy are some vegetables.
Things are looking good and I can see the forest for the trees. This money thing is really not that bad. Its just a matter of staying focused on putting your money in the right places.
With my tax return, I now have an emergency fund that I will keep in case of emergencies. I don't and will not waste this tax return. It is crazy how you get that money and it goes through your fingers like the sands of an hour glass. I refuse to waste that money. A part of my tax return is going to pay for school ($1500 to be specific). School will not be paid for until the end of March. At the end of the month, I will pay $2500 to Walden and owe I $1810 that has to be paid by the end of May in order for me to register for the next term. I also paid Knology, Mediacom, the water bill, my braces, and Wachovia ($531.94).
I will have it paid for by the end of May so that I can register for the next term. I went ahead and applied for financial aid too. The reason I have to pay for school on my own is due to being on academic probation. Once I get off of that I should be able to get financial aid.
One of my tenants is moving out at the end of August beginning of September. I am losing money at this house. I want to maximize my profits. Been thinking of turning that house into a Personal Care Home. Got the application off line filling it out now. I know it will take dedication and hard work, but I am all about doing what I can with what I have. Having a personal care home will give me more money for the house. I will be able to employee people and be a manager. Anything worth having is worth putting time and effort into.