Monday, September 29, 2008

Anything is Possible

This weekend I hung out with my friends from college. Everyone is doing good and making positive moves. Mecca Davis is the owner of Mecca's Essential Bath Salts. She brought some with her and everyone was so excited and motivated about her product. What we tend to not do is invest in ourselves. She was interested in salts, she started making them on her own and now she has a thriving business. Something else that I see is that we don't support one another. Other cultures help each other and send people to them for support. What I want to see is us networking and supporting one anther's goals and ideas. I have many friends that are being creative and stepping outside of the box and doing things that they enjoy. Thank you to those that read my blog and take notice to what I have to say.

Raquel, it was my pleasure meeting you. Ladies as always, I enjoy your company and love spending time with you catching up on all the great things that have happened in your life. We are maturing and making great advancements. Being stagnant is not an option.

Today, for you, take time out of your busy schedule and give thanks for your successes and downfalls, because without them you would not be the beautiful individual that you are today. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. This weekend I learned that there is more to life than the now. Make things happen and do things differently. Don't wake up one day and say where did all the time go. Be adventurous and step out of the box.

Some things that will help you get it together:

Do a self assessment to find out what you are interested in.
Make a poster of things you are interested in.
Explore your future.
Prepare for the worst.
Step out on faith.
These are the links to my wonderful friends sites. Everyone is doing great things and you may be able to learn from them. If not support their endeavors. Enjoy!

Grow, Build, Prosper, and Mature! Thanks All!


Unknown said...

I agree, it is important to step outside the box. I thrive off a challenge and stepping out on faith has been my way of life. I enjoy making my product and having such positive feedback from everyone about the different scents that I carry.Thanks for noticing.

bettysonly said...

I am proud of what you have created and I know you will be successful. Thank you for reading!