Yesterday was a interesting day. I actually got many things done and am looking toward the future. The house situation, my loan officer sent my application to underwriting. The house is in forecloser and it is a great find. Monday, I will put a bid in for it. Things work out, the closing will not be until January because one of my mortgage payments was late last January. Mortgage lateness stays on your credit report for 1 year. You can't have a late mortgage payment on your credit report if trying to purchase another home. It was my fault, I had to evict a tenant and didn't pay the rent myself. In between then and now, I know to pay the mortgage within a 30 day time period. This way it is late, but it will not affect your credit score. It will if it is 31 days late. So, I have learned to pay so that it will not drop credit score.
My credit score is low, but my loan officer said I really don't have bad credit. The things that are on my credit report are: 2 houses, my car, a loan I co-signed for, student loans (deferred until 2010). That is all. It is just a matter of getting a higher score.
I made candles yesterday and socialized on twitter. I am Betty's Only on Twitter, follow me. As for and Betty's Only on Etsy. The first 5 purchases will receive a $5.00 gift. I have been pushing Betty's Only. I thought last night I need to sell $1000.00 worth of candles before the year is out.
Promote my business and myself is what I am going to do from now on. No more being timid. I am stepping out. Let everyone know that Betty's Only offers great candles. I will be back later with some great advice on purchasing a home. Right now is a buyers market and we will talk more about that later. Have a great day and thnk of ways to promote your self and make extra money. We all have hidden talents.
I always think that if you don't promote yourself, who will?
I hope things work out with the house for you.
Have a good week.
Thanks for coming back. Promotion is the key and I am learning everyday. You know I thought about you and what brought you joy. Thanks for the support, you know I need it. I have been on Twitter and interacting, growing, learning, and trying to keep it all together.
Enjoy your day tomorrow and thanks again!
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