For instance:
- several student loans have been paid off
- increase on both credit cards
- one credit card changed from a secured card to unsecured
- credit scores have increased but stayed the same
I see what needs to be done and it's time to do it. Tired of being in this RAT RACE. There has got to be a better way. I've learned many things on this financial journey and all I have to do is continue to grow and build from what I already know.
I've purchased:
- Roth IRA
- Traditional IRA
- Vanguard Account
Having 12 years until I retire has really put many things in perspective for me.
Things that need to change or get fixed:
- new front door
- security door
- hot water heater fixed
- sink replaced in kitchen
- drip in sink in bathroom
I've been driving my moms truck since April, it's sad because I have 2 cars and both of them have the same issues which is electrical. There has to be a better way! It seems I get close and things just fall apart, I guess this is what you call living.
For 2018, these are my goals.
- Pre-qualify for a new home: 3 bedroom/2 bath/ 2 car garage and much space
- 2009-2012 Chevy Tahoe
- Move from Fisk
- Rent out Fisk with a Property Manager
- Oneal Street Property Manager
- 2 more student loans paid off
- saving $1000 a month
- travel some place once a month
- increase monthly payments to IRAs
- Get our passports
There are so many things that need to be addressed in my life and all I can do is work to make it better. Yes, I get emotional and hold on to past mistakes, but what for? It really serves no purpose at all. I'm 42 years old and still growing and learning how to be better. My life isn't a mistake and the only thing that I can do is work to be a better version of myself.
I'm thankful for everything the good, the bad, and even the ugly. This journey isn't for not. I'll continue to grow to be better.