Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Getting Things Done

Another Navient loan has been paid off.  It's moving slowly, but working itself out.  Truly can't believe that it's taken me this long to decide that paying these debts off is really worth it.

Fed Loan Servicing $3,000, $71,000, and $116,000
Walden $6,447
Navient $10,000 and $11,000

No, I don't have a PhD, was close, but ran out of financial aid.  Told myself that I wasn't going to complete the program, now, I'm in a better place and know I can do it.

At one point, looking at my student loan debt made me sad.  Without it, I wouldn't have the career that I do.  Or be able to sustain my lifestyle, for this I'm thankful.

Increase in Navy Federal card, went from secured $500 to unsecured $1000
Increase in First Premier card, went from $300 to $450
Started back making candles

Things are looking up and honestly, I don't know how I feel.  Sometimes I think that I have a predisposition to being sad.  Enough of that.  Don't take good things well at all.  Always looking for the negative in every situation.

In order to move to a better environment, these debts will have to be paid off.  No matter what.  I have a plan and it will work.

I've also been reading financial management books to help with doing better with my cash.

The Fed Loan $3,000 will be paid off before the end of the year.  I'll achieve financial freedom, working my plan and not losing track will help.  I got this.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Who's Life is It?

That's the big question.  Of course it is mine, but it seems like it is my debt collectors.  As long as I owe people, the money I make isn't mine.  With that being said, I have hit the ground running paying of all of these student loan bills. 
This is really a big time in my life.  Having this 3 year old that I am responsible for and wanting more for me life has added a push o my life.  There are many things that I have accomplished, but there is so much more.  

Paying things off is a priority.  What's funny is that I have extra money to put toward my debt, that I didn't realize I had before.  Maybe my mindset has changed who knows?

Things are getting better, and I truly see that!  Now, to put things in action and continue to do right by my money, myself, time, and others.  

The Road to Financial Freedom

Fed Loan                         3006.72  August 200 a month
Allied Account Services  6372 Walden University 50 a month 
Navient                         11,420.16 payment arrangement 200 until meet original debt (these debts are combined)
                                    12,297.98  payment arrangement 200 until meet original debt
Fed Loan                      71,066.74   service loan forgiveness  60 (these debts are combined to be paid for 10 years and loan will be forgiven)

All together, about 500 a month I'm paying to eliminate this debt.  Much of this needs to be

paid off in order for me to move.  Which I'm truly looking forward to.  Will not have extreme 
mortgage payment.  No longer will I be a victim to debt.    

As you see, I have the most student loan debt.  With that being said, paying off these debts 

makes me feel like I can do anything.  When a debt has been paid, I feel a sense of relief.  One thing down and a few more to go.  

Having all of this debt has really made me feel like a loser, failure, and inadequate.  When my credit is looked at people say, "You really don't have bad credit, if you didn't have those student loans."  That's the truth.  I have several student loans, which have been consolidated.  I left out the loans that are prior to 1998, this will allow me to qualify for Teacher Loan Forgiveness.  

The sad thing is I really didn't have much time to complete my PhD.  I am everything, but my dissertation.  This where all of the debt came into play.  I've contacted Walden, but I know regardless, the 6372 must be paid off before school is even thought about.  What I'm thinking is close to 15000 is needed in order for me to get back n and complete my PhD.  

During my depressive state, completing my PhD was not an option.  Completely decided that I didn't deserve it, it wasn't worth it, and what is the point.  In my previous life, I never liked for things to be incomplete.  And here we are!  

Once I got over myself and things started looking up, the thought came that I am totally worth it.  

Positive Things

Vanguard Account
Roth IRA
Traditional IRA
Personal Capital 

In all honesty, things really aren't that bad.  I can take care of myself and my baby, so we are good.


Started back making candles (Betty's Only)
My health is better, taking Nature Throid instead of Synthroid
Changed my lifestyle
Interacting more
Taking piano lessons
Jekyll Island
Hot Yoga class
Chucky Cheese
Swim lessons
Paying off debt
He's happy and healthy

Working on myself is the best thing I can do for everyone!  Once, I put myself first things started changing for the better.  Honestly, I take things personal and that prevents me from interacting for real, but overall, I am good.  Let me rephrase that, we are good!