Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spending Spending Spending

Do I set up a payment plan with Navient or do I just let the loan do what it's going to do?  That is the question of the day.  I have the money in my other account, but it is already below what I started with.  I've paid my mom and a few other things.  To be honest, I'm glad of the things that I've accomplished, but there are goals set.

Navient (student loans)
To be honest, I really don't understand why student loans have to be such a bother.  Yes, I needed the loans to help pay for school.  Yes, they did what they needed to do.  Yes, I understand that they have to be paid back.  What I don't understand is the harassment that one has to endure when owing them.  It is awful and I'm sad that I was in a position to need loans in order to afford school.  Also, the interest rates are ridiculous.  No matter what, they have to be paid off.  I will make a call to set up a payment plan.  It's not in the cards, but it has to be done, no matter what.

Due to the student loan issues, my credit score has been dropping, slowly, but surely.  Trouble don't last always.

Things to do today
Get Liam $545.00, found out that he needs a new motor, that's not in my budget.  Either pay $4,000 for motor replacement or $1,887.55 for issues and that's not guaranteed that the problem will be fixed.  So, it's time to let it go.  I have to pay for the repairs and it's still not going to work.  Very very sad I know, the story of my life it seems.  On another note, once Liam is sold, I'll put that money toward paying off Marybelle.  I'm asking $3000, but under the circumstances, I'll take $2,000.  Putting $1,000 toward Marybelle will make me owe less of course.  I'll have it paid off sooner.  Once she's paid off she'll get sold too.  I'm ready to let things go and move forward.

I have been spending unnecessarily, but I have been getting things for the baby.  When the winter comes, he will not need anything.  I'm glad of that.  I found, a second hand store that offers clothes for babies and adults.  That's going to be my go to, plus JCPenney's for my babies clothes.  I have to have enough for all times.  You never know what will happen.

For the next few weeks I have to have enough.  June is coming fast.  Make sure my bills are paid.  Have enough money for gas and be able to put back what I've taken.  It seems, I never have enough.  Robbing Peter to pay Paul isn't a good look in this time and age of my life.

Things I Am Going to Do
Pay off Marybelle
Get floor fixed in house
Get student loans under control
Increase credit score
Put back what I've taken away
Continue to put money away for him

car note
student loans
cruise money (200)
babies party
credit card (First Premier and JCPenney's)
take baby to the beach

I see me, I see my life, I see my struggles, I see my successes, I see my pains, I see who I am, I see what I'm capable of, I see me.  The issues are real and able to be handled, I'll make it through.  Yes, I can.

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