Thursday, July 23, 2009

Moving Toward Dynamic Technologies

Mindmap on Static and Dynamic Technologies

Where do I see myself on the Static-Dynamic Continuum.

As for now, I am on the Static end of the continuum, but after taken EDUC 8842, I am going to move toward the dynamic end. Static is where the technology is unable to be changing. On the Dynamic end, the learner is more involved on a deeper cognitive level. This is where you use Moller (2008), virtual simulations and gaming, multi-user environments, and mind tools.

Postulate on how you can begin to move toward the dynamic end of the “static-dynamic continuum” as a result of what you have learned in this course thus far.

In order for my class to move from a Static to a Dynamic classroom, I will have to let the students be more involved in the planning of the course. When deciding what standards I will cover the students will assist in determing what they actually want to learn from the course. While doing assignments, they can add things to the assignment that is not necessarily a requirement of the standard. Giving them a opportunity to explain or go in details on how they would create or do something better will move me in the Dynamic direction.

Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technologies. Laureate Education, Inc.


Peggy Creighton said...

You did well, identifying dynamic, mobile, and static categories of tools!The color-coding and shape sorting of your graphic organizer was very hepful, too. Did you also write your thoughts about this somewhere that I missed? I would love to see your thoughts in print!

bettysonly said...

Peggy, I didn't complete the assignment. Now, it is complete.

Thank you! I tried to make it clear. Moving toward a dynamic setting will take some time and planning, but I think it will benefit the classroom as a whole. Making the classroom interactive will make learning fun. I was unsure about some of my placments. I read and reread the break down of the differences between static and dynamic. I hope I organized them correctly.

W. Jackson

Erin said...

So far what have been your favorite dynamic tools to use in the classroom? Find any success?